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Stargate Mediumship Adventure 1


A patio with flowers and chairs on the deck

About Mediumship Adventure 1

Learning to exercise your mediumship abilities isn’t a badaboom -badabing kind of thing!  Even if you are ALREADY having mediumistic experiences, mastering what you’re doing is a layered yet beautiful and time consuming process.  As the human experience has overshadowed many of your spirit being amenities, it takes time and practice to get back into authentic state as LIGHT.  So, we split Mediumship 1 into TWO rounds. You need both of these before taking Mediumship 2

We also learned that in order for students to get the maximum growth, there needs to be less students so there can be more participation. Each mediumship class has been reduced to a 10 Student capacity!!! Book quickly!

The first round- is getting acquainted and then familiar with your main mode of transportation as your goal is to visit the spirit realm at will.  Your main vehicle is SELF!!!  YOU as a Spirit Being!  To get familiar with you as your authentic self which is energy and consciousness.   Each round is filled with powerful meditations that you will have lifelong access to.

Along with learning WHAT KIND OF MEDIUM YOU ARE, you’ll learn exercises and practices that will help you live in such a way you exercise your spirituality on a regular basis instead of just special occasions! By the time you have experienced roudn 2, you will be familiar with the steps to settle in and communicate across the veil.  This process (exercising your spirituality) is part of learning what you’re already doing as a medium and then following the same path to enhancing your abilities. Ultimate goal: To be able to more clearly use your intuition and to focus communication with those on the other side (at will). Side Effects: Personal evolution, learning and acclimating to your true self as a Spirit Being.

Taking this course is largely about making a commitment to YOURSELF to participate, 100%, in the content of the previous paragraph!

Each course series meets on-line, once a week, for four weeks.
Only allowing 10 students, maximum, per series.
No A.I.: A live human instructor is priceless!
Certificate upon Completion.

Sept 4, 11, 18 & 25
Oct: 2, 9, 16 & 23
Nov. 6, 13, 20 & 27
Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29
Feb 5, 12, 19 & 26
Oct: 3, 10, 17 & 24
Nov: 7,14, 21 & Tues 26th
Jan” 9, 16, 23 & 30
Feb 6, 13. 20 & 27

Ready to Learn Mediumship 1?