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Classes & Retreats

Classes & Private Sessions

Here is where you enter the PORTAL: Stargate Adventure

Love Based Readiness

Peaceful Prepper: Love-Based Preparedness & Readiness in a World on Edge

In times of uncertainty, fear often screams louder than wisdom. From climate change and natural disasters — like wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and long-term power outages — to political chaos, societal unrest, and unpredictable global events, the world can feel shaky. This empowering class offers a grounded, heart-centered approach to both physical and spiritual preparedness. You’ll learn what to stock, how to prepare, and most importantly — how to stay anchored in love while doing it.

This isn’t panic.
This isn’t paranoia.
This is Peaceful Readiness — because staying calm is your superpower.

Format: 1.5hrs
Location: ZOOM
Sunday: 4/5 Or 4/12/2025 @ 5pm

Harnessing Spiritual Energy for Social Change

Unlock the power of your consciousness to create real-world change.

This class is for spiritual seekers, empaths, healers, and truth-tellers who are feeling called to help heal the world during this time of political chaos and social division. Learn how to use meditation, intention, prayer, and visualization as potent tools for activism, progress, and protection.

FORMAT: 2 part series (1.5 hours per session)
LOCATION: Online (Zoom)
SUNDAY: 4/6 & 4/13/2025 @ 2pm PST

Whether you’re lighting candles or writing policy, this is how to take aligned, soulful action to help heal the world.

For Healers & Light Workers

Whether you do this work professionally or just as part of your regular day, empaths, sensitives, and clairsentients absorb and therefore need to release energetic overloads which many are experiencing right now. Through this treatment reclaim clarity, and re-ground in your own vibration — especially in these turbulent times.

Regain your authentic power!

If you are a current client, just use the calendar to book your next session.

If you are not a current client yet, start by emailing Gillian to apply for sessions: [email protected]  You will receive a questionnaire back and we’ll take it from there!

Private Sessions

Join the ranks of those accomplishing their goals and ambitions with the help of RESULTS COACHING sessions with Gillian. In these 50 minute strategy sessions you’ll learn how to create the intention you desire. Bring a heart felt intention to the session and be ready to make it real.  Finance, romance, fitness, beauty, ambition, hobbies – pretty much any GOAL you have we will focus on to help you bring it to fruition!

If you are a current client, just use the calendar to book your next session.

If you are not a current client yet, start by emailing Gillian to apply for sessions: [email protected]  You will receive a questionnaire back and we’ll take it from there!

Private Sessions

Private Sessions

As an evidential medium, I strive to connect you with your loved ones who have transitioned, delivering their messages unedited.   During our session, I will share any impressions, symbols, or messages I receive from the spirit world, aiming to bridge the gap between you and those you hold dear and miss the most.

To learn more about private medium sessions, click the ‘learn more’ button below. Or search the calendar for a day and time for a reading that works for you.

If you don’t see a time that is compatible with your schedule, email me and we’ll work it out!  [email protected]

Beginner Mediumship

4 weeks On-Line

Unlocking the Foundation of Mediumship: Mastering Self
In this round, you’ll embark on a transformative journey to master the first step of mediumship—understanding and connecting with your spiritual self. Through a blend of techniques, practices, and meditative exercises, you’ll deepen your awareness of your spirit being, laying the groundwork for your mediumship abilities.

You’ll also learn to embrace and utilize your natural gifts as a medium, including the profound experience of meeting and forming bonds with your spirit guides. This journey is designed to empower you with essential tools and insights that will enhance your connection to the spiritual realm.

For  more information about this course click the ‘LEARN MORE’ button below! or click ENROLL to go to the Calendar and book your seat for the class!

April 10, 17, 24 & May 1

A woman sitting on the floor with candles.

Active Mediumship

4 WEEKS On-Line

This course is really just an extension of Beginner Mediumship except by now your medium-abilities are more awake and you are able to turn them on and off at will which you’ll need for this class!  Settle into the practices and way of being to maximize your mediumship abilities including doing readings every class!

Stargate Intention Adventure 1

4 WEEKS On-Line

In this first adventure, you’ll need to BYOI: BRING YOUR OWN INTENTION!! Yeah!  Romance. Finance. Health. Hobbies, a psychological or emotional way of being. Whatever your intention is, bring it with you to the course and work on it while you learn the basics of Conscious Creation, A.K.A. The Law Of Attraction. For a lot more details about this course click the ‘learn more’ button below.  Create YOUR LIFE, YOUR WAY, ON PURPOSE, RIGHT NOW!


Jan. 6, 13, 20 & 27
Feb. 3, 10, 17 & 24

Stargate Intention Adventure 2

4 WEEKS On-Line

In the previous course you get A LOT of tools and though you started using them as part of that first class, it was still – A LOT to assimilate! This 2nd Course series includes more tools but is mostly about IMPLIMENTATION AND RESULTS! Integrating the tools into your new way of being. Get in sync with the new daily applications designed by YOU as ‘treatments’!  For a fuller description of the course click the ‘Learn More’ button below!


Feb 4, 11, 18 & 25


Reiki is NON-DENOMINATIONAL! You can be Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or Agnostic! You could be Christian and be a Reiki practitioner. In fact, it is said that during his teen and adolescent years when not much if anything is written about Jesus, he was living and LEARNING stuff like Reiki which he practiced in healings. REI-KI means Life Force Energy. Reiki is a healing modality using Life Force Energy which is consciously directed by the practitioner through them and into the recipient(s). Reiki is so potent it is said we should not use it on someone WHILE they are undergoing surgery. Even from a distance, it could disturb anesthesia! While non-denominational, some (like me, Gillian) attribute this ‘Life Force Energy’ to be sourced by ‘God’, ‘Spirit’, ‘The Creator’, ‘Ala’, ‘Yahweh’ or whatever you call it.

REIKI is not a replacement for professional medical or psychological care. HOWEVER, this Reiki energy CAN enhance your body and mind’s natural healing ability therefore assisting the efforts of those medical and therapeutic treatments.

Reiki Adventure 1

Learn Reiki – Heal the World! This is Reiki Level One, you will learn all the basics about Usui & Tibetan Reiki. Learn their origin and about the Reiki energy that lives naturally within you. You will be attuned to level one Reiki and will then be able to perform treatments on yourself and on places before visiting them. You’ll learn about your energy centers (chakras) and how to keep them healthy. You’ll also be able to use Reiki to assist your body in healing itself from injury, ailments or other traumas physical or emotional. Also learn to use Reiki to enhance your abilities to manifest intentions.
7 Recorded Modules – Self Paced!

Available September 15, 2024

Reiki Adventure 2

In Reiki Level Two, you will ultimately be attuned to a stronger power of this modality which will allow you to perform treatments not only only on yourself and literally ‘The World’ (and beyond). At this level of Reiki you take a commitment to help other individuals, places, situations and things. You can use Reiki energy to do ‘treatments’ on entire continents if you see the need! Along with being attuned to higher frequencies of Reiki, you are also given access to stronger symbols as tools, Ethics and professionalism are also part of the course.
Experience Reiki for the Greater Good…
7 Recorded Modules – Self paced!

Available September 30, 2024

Reiki Adventure 3

While you emerge from this course with the maximum Reiki empowerment you are basically making a commitment with this level of Reiki. You are attuned to the highest frequencies and have access to the most powerful Reiki Symbols. But graduating from Level 3 Reiki is really about ONE thing. It is a lifelong commitment to share Reiki and teach it to others as a Reiki Master/Teacher. In this world of crisis, a Reiki Master has the opportunity to assist in widespread planetary healing. Or start at home and work to heal your country. It’s ‘the greater good’ multiplied by 1000!
7 Recorded Modules – Self Paced

Available October 15, 2024



To retreat: to back away: temporarily ghost daily routine:
Evacuate life limiting behavior. Say bye felicia to stress & it’s cousin chaos. Temporarily disengage. Seize the opportunity to heal, recharge, evolve and consciously create. We incorporate eco-therapy allowing nature to seep in and assist in our enhancement and rejuvenation.

So far, we are fascinated with the vast outdoors to be found in southern california. Must have (or find a rental of) a 4 x4 vehicle that is ready to off road! Have camping gear and be prepared to be self-sufficient for the length of the retreat which is two to three days.

(retreats are space limited and for stargate students only. Donations help pay the mechanic who travels with us!)